Best Crystals for Protection: How They Can Help You Stay Safe

Did you know that crystals can help protect you? Many people believe that certain crystals have special powers to keep bad energy away and make you feel safe. Let’s learn about some of the best crystals for protection and how to use them in your life.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is like a shield that protects you from negative energy. If someone around you is upset or angry, this crystal can help block those bad vibes. The Black Tourmaline crystal properties work like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it. 

Although black tourmaline is mainly associated with the root chakra, Black Tourmalines' energy is connected with all seven chakras, bringing in a higher frequency of energy that can help to protect against negative forces or psychic attacks.

How to use it:

  • Carry a small piece in your pocket.
  • Place it near your door to stop bad energy from coming into your home.
  • Wear a piece of jewelry made with black tourmaline

Wear our Ultimate Protection Bracelet for ward of negative energy.


Amethyst is a purple crystal that keeps you calm and safe. It’s especially good for protecting your mind from stress or bad thoughts. Its protective properties are believed to create a shield of spiritual light around the user, safeguarding against harmful influences and promoting a sense of security and peace.

How to use it:

  • Keep it on your nightstand to protect your dreams.
  • Wear it as a bracelet to feel safe during the day.
  • Holding an amethyst crystal can help you focus and achieve a deeper state of meditation.


Citrine is a radiant gem celebrated for its protective and uplifting properties. This sunny crystal not only wards off negative energy but also invites positive vibes into your life. Its bright energy acts as a shield against harmful influences, creating a barrier of positivity around you.

How to use it:

  • Put it in a room to keep the space positive and clean.
  • Carry Citrine in your pocket to boost your confidence and protect your energy.


Use our protection crystal set in your home or when travelling.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is great for grounding and protection. It helps you feel strong and keeps you connected to the earth. The energy of smoky quartz is warm and protective, providing comfort. Its grounding properties can help clear the mind of distractions while its protective energies ward off negative energy. 

How to use it:

  • Place it at your feet when you meditate.
  • Carry it with you when you feel nervous or scared.

Carry our tumbled smoky quartz crystal with you for grounding energy.


Labradorite is a magical-looking crystal that protects your energy and helps you feel safe from harm. It’s perfect for people who feel drained by others. Whether you're navigating a period of change, exploring your creative or psychic potentials, or seeking protection, this beautiful stone is ready to assist you.

How to use it:

  • Wear it as jewelry to create a protective shield around you.
  • Place it on your desk to stay focused and safe from distractions.

Some other crystals for protection:

  • Clear Quartz - Pair this crystal with other protection crystals to amplify their energy and manifest even more protection in your life.
  • Black ObsidianBy balancing and clearing your root chakra, Obsidian helps to anchor you to the earth and your foundation so you can feel supported and protected. 
  • HematiteHematite creates a protective shield around your aura. It  dissolves negative energy and prevents you from absorbing negativity from others.

How to Take Care of Your Crystals

To keep your crystals working well, it’s important to cleanse them. You can:

Crystals are wonderful tools to help you feel safe and protected. Choose the ones that feel right for you, and then et them help you create a peaceful and happy life!

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